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Usage Notes:

- Teams need to be licensed with correct team ID.

- Anthems need to be enabled for national anthems to play. Use Dino editor to check.

- Generic chants have been assigned to teams where chants couldn't be sourced.

- All audio files are in HCA format and set to a volume below the commentary.


- 36 teams each with 8 chant slots

- 133 teams each with 6 chant slots

- 321 teams each with 4 chant slots

- 32 teams each with 2 chant slots

- 146 teams with national anthems

Full Lists:

Chants & National Anthems (적용클럽목록) : 


How to install:

- Extract Preds 2018 Chants.cpk to your PES2018 Download folder.

- Update the DpFileList.bin using DpFileList Generator by Baris.


CRIAtomCraft – Program used to rebuild all ACB/AWB files.

Albiore – Team IDs.

kana296 – 88 National Anthems added into this chant pack at his request

sxsxsx – CPK File Manager v1.7a assistance.

fanchants.co.uk, fifazaitsev1979.net & YouTube – Sources for chants 


1. 다운로드받은 Chats.cpk파일을 Download폴더 내에 넣어줍니다 (pes2018폴더내에있습니다.)

2. DpFileList Generator을 이용해 리스트에 추가해줍니다 

(다운로드및 사용방법 :http://edgenine.tistory.com/57)